Membership Application Form

Click on the link below to download the NLHS Membership Form

Annual membership at a cost of £5.00 per year.

This is for the period for January 1st to December 31st.

Payments to be paid upon collection of your seed order or your first visit to the store of that year.

Store Opens 28th January



In accordance with NLHS Constitution, the organisation comprises a Committee of 12 members elected to serve for a rotating two year period.  Its officers include a  Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.  The Committee meet on the last Wednesday of the month at the Castle Ward Club.  There is no Committee Meeting in December.  The NLHS AGM is on the first Wednesday of April.

Any member who has a topic that needs Committee involvement/decision should contact, in writing, the Secretary.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The North Lincoln Horticultural Society Constitution


The name shall be the North Lincoln Horticultural Society.


The purpose of the Society shall be:

a) To encourage all allotment holders to belong to the Society.

b) To be affiliated to National Societies as the Membership sees fit.

c) To encourage all members to maintain their allotments in accordance with the local authority agreement and to keep weeds and pests under control to benefit other allotment holders.

d) To provide sundries, seeds, and potatoes from the Society’s shed at times agreed by the Committee at reasonable cost.

e) To share garden knowledge and experience with Society members through lectures and events.

f) To work to protect the interest of allotment holders at all times throughout the year.

g) To provide the opportunity for the members to meet socially as and when the committee wishes.


a) Membership to the North Lincoln Horticultural Society shall be open to anyone.

b) There shall be no discrimination against anyone on any grounds whatsoever.

c) Membership shall entitle members to the full benefits of the Society on payment of their annual subscription.

d) Non-allotment holders shall have no voting rights on matters relating to allotments and allotment issues.


The officers of the Society shall be a Chair, a Vice Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer elected by and from within the Committee. The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting by a secret ballot if the election is contested or by a show of hands when not contested.


a) The Society’s affairs shall be conducted by a committee of 12 consisting of officers and ordinary Committee members, 5 constituting a quorum.

b) Any elected Officer or Committee Member may be removed from office at any time by a resolution of two thirds of the voting members present at any Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose and any vacancy may be filled at that meeting.

c) Any member of the Committee unable to attend a meeting shall inform the Chair.

d) A member of the Committee who fails to attend 4 consecutive meetings may, by a majority vote of the Committee, forfeit his /her place on the Committee and the Committee may fill the consequent vacancy in accordance with Clause 7.


a) Shall be elected by a show of hands at the Annual General Meeting and shall serve for two years from the Annual General Meeting.

b) They shall be eligible for re-election.


a) The officers and Committee of the Society shall have the discretion to co-opt a member to fill a vacancy on the Committee, should a vacancy arise before the Annual General Meeting.

b) The officers and Committee shall have the discretion to co-opt to the Committee any member to assist in organising or running a specific project or function.


The Society’s financial year shall be from the 1st of January of each year to the 31st December of the same year.


The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the first Wednesday in April every year for the purpose of:

a) Approving the minutes of the previous AGM

b) Providing feedback on Matters Arising from the previous AGM- where these are not covered elsewhere.

c) Approving the Committee’s annual report on the work of the Society during the preceding year.

d) Electing the Main Committee for the coming year.

e) Approving financial statements signed by an auditor.

f) Electing an auditor for the forth-coming year.

g) Deciding annual subscriptions.

h) Making any awards the Committee wishes and

i) Noting any other matters for the consideration of the Society.

  • Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be notified to each member at least 21 days before such Annual General Meeting is held. Apologies will be presented at the AGM if received.
  • Nominations for Committee will be accepted at any time up to the vote. The nominee must indicate approval.
  • Any proposal or matters for inclusion in the agenda at the Annual General Meeting shall be notified in writing and seconded to the secretary 14 days before the Annual General Meeting.
  • Any other business not in the agenda will only be accepted by the chair at his/her discretion. No voting will take place on such business.


a) The Main Committee has the power to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time. Notice in writing must be sent to all members not less than 14 days before such a meeting, informing them of the date, time, venue and purpose of the meeting. No other business shall be conducted at the Extraordinary General Meeting.

b) A minimum of 5 members may call an Extraordinary General Meeting. Any requests must be in writing and signed. In response to such a call, the Committee will convene an Extraordinary General Meeting within 28 days of receipt of the written call.


a) Subscriptions shall be decided by the Committee and presented at the Annual General Meeting.

b) Subscriptions shall be due the 1st of January.

c) Any member who is in arrears with their subscription shall be deemed to have ceased as a member and shall not be entitled to any of the benefits of the Society.


a) The Treasurer shall be responsible for the Society’s funds, keeping accounting records and presenting accounts for audit at the end of the financial year and presenting those audited accounts to the Annual General Meeting.

b) Signatory of the Society’s cheques shall be by any two of three signatures, those being the Treasurer, the Store Manager and one other named Committee member as authorised by the Committee.


The constitution may only be altered at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting. Member's must be notified of the proposed alteration/s not less than 14 days before the meeting.

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